CS Research Publications

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    A professional master'spegree program in Computer Science
    (1978) Magel, Kenneth; Mills, Everald E.
    A graduate program leading to the Master of Computer Science degree is described. It is a terminal degree intended to provide advanced training for computer science professionals, particularly those whose original training was in areas other than computer science. The paper starts by comparing this type of program to master's programs at other schools. The potential audience for a program of this type is described. The actual program at Wichita State University is explained and four sample student schedules are given. � 1978, ACM. All rights reserved.
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    Sim: A utility for detecting similarity in computer programs
    (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 1999) Gitchell, David; Tran, Nicholas
    We describe the design and implementation of a program called sim to measure similarity between two C computer programs. It is useful for detecting plagiarism among a large set of homework programs. This software is part of a project to construct tools to assist the teaching of computer science.
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    Program documentation at Wichita State University
    (ACM Digital Library, 1983) Foley, David M.
    The main purpose of this paper is to discuss program documentation and propose solutions to the problems associated with it.. It has been widely recognized that formal documentation of computer systems has been a major problem for computer users because it is sometimes inaccurate, oftentimes incomplete, and occasionally even missing. This failure to adequately document software has led to higher productio1~ and maintenance costs, customer dissatisfaction and the development of useless programs. In a move to avoid these problems, the Computer Science Department at WSU has established a standard for program submittal in all its classes with laboratories. This standard also promotes good programming practices, such as designing before coding and modularization, provides our students with a disciplined approach, orients them to what industry requires and facilitates the grading of their programming assignments. The standard is introduced in CS200, Introduction to Programming, in which the focus is problem analysis and the writing of the solution in pseudocode. This standard was mplemented in August, 1979, along with a new computer science program that was based on the Curriculum 78 guidelines. Since that time the standard, which was origiginally ally developed by then-faculty Don Newman and Steve Taylor, has undergone a few revisions and was updated most recently by Peggy Wright, a computer science graduate student.
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    Revolutionalizing Internet of Medical Things for Blockchain-Based 5G Healthcare Security and Privacy for Genomic Data
    (Scrivener Publishing LLC., 2023-12) Shyam, Mohan J. S.; Theekshana, Guddeti; Kumar Reddy, Guddeti Likhit
    Recent developments in the Internet of things (IoT), Internet of medical things (IoMT), and blockchain technology (BCT) have created disruptions in healthcare. This chapter explores and provides insights to the application of IoT, IoMT for BC-based 5G healthcare security and privacy. Leveraging IoMT and BCT to healthcare applications are beneficial due to decentralization, privacy, and security as they ensure secure access to medical data for patients and various stakeholders. Adopting IoT and BCT for 5G healthcare provides clinicians and healthcare professionals to diagnosis the patient on time. In this chapter, we have used genomics data for building individual strategies, for diagnosis and decision making by utilizing patient's genomic information. We have also explored about genomics data and its privacy and security issues in 5G healthcare using IoT and BCT and possible ways to implement them. In the last, we have provided the details of core and enabling technologies that can be used to build a strong 5G security model.
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    Cyber Attack Detection Analysis Using Machine Learning for IoT-Based UAV Network
    (CRC Press, 2024) Haider, Usman; Shoukat, Hina; Ayub, Muhammad Yaseen; Tashfeen, Muhammad Tehmasib Ali; Bhatia, Tarandeep Kaur; Khan, Inam Ullah
    Artificial intelligence helps to design better solutions to detect possible attacks. Intrusion detection systems using machine learning classifiers easily justify the trust factor in terms of accuracy. This chapter provides a comparative study of machine learning techniques to investigate the trust of IoT-based aerial ad hoc networks. Aerial vehicles move in three dimensions. Due to the highly mobile topological design of the UAV network, it is vulnerable. Intruders take advantage of the vulnerabilities and deploy cyber attacks to unbalance the overall network. The five machine learning techniques--XGBoost, naïve Bayes, complement naïve Bayes, ADA boost, and GaussianNB--are simulated using the UNSW-NB 15 dataset. For a detailed comparison, metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and support are used. Moreover, theoretical analysis of IDS using machine learning is also incorporated. Simulation results indicate that ADA boost performs better in comparison with the other techniques.