Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research, v.2 no.1

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    Effects of father absence on women's perception of "ideal" mate and father
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1976) Vargon, Melanie M.; Lynn, David B. (David Brandon), 1925-; Barton, Keith
    The father-absent group compromised 28 college women whose biological father had not lived at home after their 11th birthday. Controls were father-present college women. Both groups completed the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire twice: as ideal mate would, and as father would. Father-absent women differed significantly from controls in perceiving father as more guilt prone (Factor O) (p < .01), more tense (Factor Q4) (p < .05), and having less ego strength (Factor C) (p < .05). Compared with the control group, father-absent women viewed their ideal mate as lower in superego strength (Factor G) (p < .05) but higher in radicalism (Factor Q1) (p < .05). In sum, father-absent women seem to portray father and ideal mate as opposing personalities: the father as constricted (guilt prone, tense) and weak (lower ego strength), and the ideal mate as free (lower superego) and radical.
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    Countercultural and opposing values at a two-year college
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1976) Baggaley, Andrew R.
    In an attempt to replicate findings using demographically different populations, the author compared results of principal components analyses on a chart of 456 "fundamental world perspectives." In addition, the Comrey Personality Scale and a "social concepts" questionnaire by Kerlinger were administered to the second group of subjects. Principal components analysis of the second group's data was performed yielding comparable results across the different samples.
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    Family-level interventions for retarded children: A multivariate approach to issues and strategies
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1976) Berger, Michael, 1946-; Foster, Martha A. (Martha Ann)
    This paper considers issues and strategies of household-level interventions for families of retarded children. A perspective regarding retardation and a statement of the relevant levels of analysis is set forth in the introduction. Section I considers the specific issues facing families with retarded children. The second section has two parts: 1) a review of the literature concerning interventions aimed at families with retarded children, and 2) suggestions for future research and intervention efforts.
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    Second stratum personality structure in joint rating and questionnaire measures: With new light on questionnaire distortion
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1976) Cattell, Raymond B. (Raymond Bernard), 1905-1998; Vogelmann-Sine, Silke
    The study continues a test of the theory of instrument-transcending personality factors, which requires that the same personality factors load both the questionnaire and the observer-rating markers for a factor. It has recently been shown that this holds with primary factors, with 64 variables on an N of 164 undergraduates. It was argued that proofs of congruent structure are not entirely satisfactory unless the second order structure derived from the primaries also fits. Accordingly the correlation matrix of the 23 primary factors was factored, showing 9 second orders by the scree test. Communalities were iterated thereto and rotation to simple structure was pursued by Rotoplot to an unimprovable maximum at 52.5% for ± .10 loadings. At this point congruence were worked out with patterns of secondaries in Cattell's 1973 survey of results, which showed 8 out of 9 factors matching very significantly, but with Qv poorer than others. Inasmuch as desirability distortion has previously had to rest on data within questionnaires only, and this study was virtually the first factoring, of a Q and L (life observer) data together, it offers a definite contribution to motivation distortion. Two primaries, 19 and 20, appeared in Q-data only were hypothesized to be "popularity" and "respectability" distortions. The way they behaved here at the second order, loaded negatively by superego, Qviii, supports this interpretation.