Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research, v.3 no.5

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    Psychological mood states in children related to performance on a perceptual motor task
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1978) Barton, Keith
    In order to assess the validity properties of Curran's Eight State Questionnaire (8SQ), 7th, 8th and 9th grade students were asked to perform on a perceptual motor task immediately after completing the state battery. Depending how they scored on each of the state scales (anxiety, regression, arousal, fatigue, introversion, stress and depression), the children were divided into High and Low groups. Performance measures consisted of distance completed in the task, number of errors made and an estimate of efficiency (errors per unit distance). In general, evidence of concrete validity for the pencil and paper state measures was found although it did not take the form originally hypothesized. Specifically, it was found that in many cases the High groups made significantly more errors than the Low groups (e.g. High anxiety vs. Low anxiety) but that usually no differences in efficiency were noted.
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    Dimensions of environment perception
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1978) Pedersen, D. M.
    175 Ss were administered a 23 item semantic differential which was used to rate large city, small town, forest, desert, and beach. The ratings of each environment were factor analyzed. The factors obtained were compared across environments to determine common dimensions used to rate the environments. Four common dimensions were obtained: evaluatuve, spiritual, activity, and aesthetic appeal. The factor loadings of the rating scales were then analyzed to determine ideosyncratic applications of the dimensions to particular environments.
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    Second-order relations between different modalities of personality trait organization
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1978) Gillis, John S.; Lee, D. C.
    Tests from what have been termed the temperament and motivation modalities of personality trait organization, the 16 PF and MAT, were given to 151 high school students. The 36 primary scales from these tests were factor analyzed, and the results 16 second-order factors were rotated to a position of maximum simple structure. It was concluded that the results supported the notion of cross-modality factors, particularly with respect to self-sentiment and superego structures.
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    A factor analysis of community satisfaction variables in a midwestern city
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1978) Bardo, John W.; Hughey, Joseph (Joseph Bernard)
    Community satisfaction in a midwestern city was examined through factor analysis; an oblique solution with nine factors resulted. Unlike previous research employing the same instruments and analytic techniques, distinctions between physical and social dimensions of community were unclear. However, certain conceptually similar physical and social dimensions of community were obtained in these studies. These data suggest that some dimensions of community satisfaction may be generalizable, while other are more situationally specific. Some implications of these findings, especially for the fields of urban planning and environmental social psychology are also discussed.