Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research, v.11 no.2

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    The development of the diabetes integration scale: A psychometric study of the ATT39
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1996) Welch, Garry; Beeney, Linda J.; Dunn, Stewart M.; Smith, Robert B.W.
    In this paper we report a factor analytic study on the ATT39, a measure of psychological adjustment to diabetes. The ATT39 was developed in response to the need for more specific measurement tools for the assessment of psychosocial issues in diabetes. The factor analyses in this study were conducted separately for insulin-dependent and non-insulin dependent patient groups to acknowledge the known clinical differences between these two subclasses of diabetes. The results showed a core of 19 items in a single subscale to be common to both IDD (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes) and NIDD (Non Insulin-Dependent Diabetes) patient groups based on rigorous factor analytic criteria involving the use of a factor matching technique (FACTOREP) and replication samples. Coefficient alpha values were in the range of 0.82 to 0.84, showing it to have acceptable internal reliability. Future research on the measure should focus on its clinical-usefulness to detect change in patient psychological functioning and to predict diabetes self-care behaviours and metabolic control.
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    Classification of psychiatric inpatients with the beck instruments: A cluster-analytic approach
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1996) Steer, Robert A.; Rissmiller, David J.; Ranieri, William F.; Beck, Aaron T.
    Computer-administered versions of the revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Hopelessness Scale (BHS), Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSI) were completed by 200 inpatients diagnosed with mixed psychiatric disorders. The BSI was then used to classify the patients into 75 (37.5%) suicide ideators and 125 (62.5%) nonideators. Ward's minimum-variance technique was next employed to identify prototypal profiles for both the ideators and nonideators, and these prototypes were subsequently entered into k-means nonhierarchical cluster analyses. The cluster analyses were independently performed with the nonideators' BDI, BHS, and BAI scores and with the ideators' BDI, BHS, BAI, and BSI scores. Three types of ideators and nonideators were identified representing anxious depressed, hopeless depressed, and below average symptomatology. The implications of these classification systems for the Beck instruments are discussed.
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    Item content of the basic personality inventory
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1996) Kroner, Daryl G.; Black, E.R.; Reddon, John R.
    Three raters evaluated the content of the 240 items of the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI) across the four domains (psychological functioning, situation, frequency, and time) proposed by Werner and Pervin (1986). Approximately 80% of the items referred to the present time, two- thirds of the items referred to a specific situation, and half the items referred to frequency of occurrence. Rated areas of psychological functioning corresponded with the putative nature of the content the scales (e.g., most of the items on the Anxiety scale referred to affective-feelings; most items on the Self-Depreciation scale referred to the cognitive-self). Results provide information for assisting in the utilization of the BPI in the assessment process.
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    An algorithm for the entry of multidimensional scaling data
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1996) Martz, John M.
    This paper presents a computer algorithm to aid in the entry of asymmetric three-way data (cf. Young, 1987). It is appropriate to procedures where subjects sort stimuli into piles, write descriptions of each pile, and then employ these descriptions to make similarity judgments between piles.