Applied Multivariate Research v.13 no.2

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    Applied Multivariate Research, v.13 no.2 (complete version)
    (University of Windsor, Department. of Psychology, 2010)
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    An item response theory analysis of the self-monitoring scale
    (University of Windsor, Dept. of Psychology, 2010) Burkley, Edward
    The Self-Monitoring Scale (SMS) was investigated utilizing item response theory (IRT). First, IRT models that constrained each of the subscale items to have equal discrimination were fitted to the three subscales of the SMS (Acting, Extraversion, and Other-Directedness). These models were then contrasted with separate models that allowed the discriminations to be estimated freely. For all three subscales, model comparison tests of significance indicated that the unconstrained models were a better fit. Thus, the items of each subscale are differentially related to their respective underlying construct. Implications and recommendations are offered for future psychometric development and implementation of the SMS.
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    The facets of job satisfaction: A nine-nation comparative study of construct equivalence
    (University of Windsor, Dept. of Psychology, 2010) Kwantes, Catherine T.
    Archival data from an attitude survey of employees in a single multinational organization were used to examine the degree to which national culture affects the nature of job satisfaction. Responses from nine countries were compiled to create a benchmark against which nations could be individually compared. Factor analysis revealed four factors: Organizational Communication, Organizational Efficiency/Effectiveness, Organizational Support, and Personal Benefit. Comparisons of factor structures indicated that Organizational Communication exhibited the most construct equivalence, and Personal Benefit the least. The most satisfied employees were those from China, and the least satisfied from Brazil, consistent with previous findings that individuals in collectivistic nations report higher satisfaction. The research findings suggest that national cultural context exerts an effect on the nature of job satisfaction.
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    The effects of estimator choice and weighting strategies on confirmatory factory analysis with stratified samples
    (University of Windsor, Department of Psychology, 2010) Brummel, Bradley J.; Drasgow, Fritz
    Survey researchers often design stratified sampling strategies to target specific subpopulations within the larger population. This stratification can influence the population parameter estimates from these samples because they are not simple random samples of the population. There are three typical estimation options that account for the effects of this stratification in latent variable models: unweighted maximum likelihood, weighted maximum likelihood, and pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation. This paper examines the effects of these procedures on parameter estimates, standard errors, and fit statistics in Lisrel 8.7 (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 2004) and Mplus 3.0 (Muthén & Muthén, 2004). Options using several estimation methods will be compared to pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation. Results indicated the choice of estimation technique does not have a substantial effect on confirmatory factor analysis parameter estimates in large samples. However, standard errors of those parameter estimates and RMSEA values for assessing of model fit can be substantially affected by estimation technique.
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    An interpersonal circumplex/five-factor model analysis of the Eating Disorders Inventory-3
    (University of Windsor, Department of Psychology, 2010) Brookings, Jeffrey B.; Beilstein, Corey D.
    A combined interpersonal circumplex/five-factor model approach was used to investigate personality correlates of Eating Disorders Inventory-3 (EDI-3; Garner, 2004) scales for a non-clinical sample of 234 college women. EDI-3 non-symptom scales and composites had appreciable loadings in the two-dimensional interpersonal circumplex space, with angular locations ranging mainly from Cold (180°) to Submissive (270°). In the five-factor analyses, Neuroticism made significant positive contributions to all of the EDI-3 scales and composites; Conscientiousness made contributions (all negative, save one) to 11 of the 18 scales. The results affirm the centrality of negative affect (i.e., Neuroticism) in disordered eating, but highlight also the importance of assessing interpersonal deficits, which in previous studies have been associated both with the etiology of eating-related problems and increased risk of dropout from treatment. Finally, collapsing or "weighting" EDI-3 item scores may compromise unnecessarily the psychometric properties of the scales' particularly in non-clinical populations--and we recommend derivation of additional EDI-3 norms, based on unweighted item scores.