2008 WheatShocker: Library Services Transforming Library Spaces

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The annual Wheatshocker Library Professional Development Seminar was held at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex in Wichita, KS, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, May 9th. The topic of 2008 WheatShocker was "Library Services Transforming Library Spaces" with the seminar discussing how libraries are responding to evolving service demands through small and large environmental or facility changes. The seminar looked at a variety of library types. Participants brought examples of changes that have been occurring at their own institutions for sharing during the discussions.

A special part of the day was the luncheon. During the luncheon a college president who has just built a new library, a city manager involved in the approval of new construction, and a university president who approved a major remodeling project spoke about the expected role, mission and future development of libraries.

Featured speaker for the event was Charles Forrest, Library Planning Officer, Emory University. Forrest has more than 25 years of experience in academic and research libraries and has served as library project manager for numerous construction and renovation projects.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Item
    Comments from group work: what you like and what you would change
    (Wichita State University Libraries, 2008-05-09) Wichita State University Libraries
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    2008 WheatShocker Library Professional Development Seminar: a brochure
    (Wichita State University Libraries, 2008-05-09) Wichita State University Libraries
    A program of WheatShocker seminar held at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex in Wichita, KS, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 9, 2008. Featured speaker: Charles Forrest, Library Planning Officer, Emory University. Forrest has more than 25 years of experience in academic and research libraries and has served as library project manager for numerous construction and renovation projects.
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    Technology, scholarship, culture: Trends in higher education and libraries
    (Wichita State University Libraries, 2008-05-09) Forrest, Charles
    The 1st part of the seminar was devoted to the examination of the major cultural and environmental trends that shape higher education and create an image of a library as collaborative learning space.
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    Where we’ve been -- where we’re going: Virtual tour
    (Wichita State University Libraries, 2008-05-09) Forrest, Charles
    The 2nd part of seminar was focused on historical evolution of libraries' buildings and interiors. During the impressive virtual tour, over 120 pictures of historical and contemporary libraries were presented. The following topics highlighted changes in the perceptions of a library architecture and design: history, icon, vintage, technology, commons, collections, collaborate, learn, invite, and inspire.
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    From vision to occupancy: Design process and implementation
    (Wichita State University Libraries, 2008-05-09) Forrest, Charles
    The 3rd part of WheatShocker seminar included a group discussion, exercise on the topic of library design, and the presentation described the stages of the capital project development cycle.