Donald L. Gilstrap

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    New rates of exchange: Technological integration and university libraries in Central and Eastern Europe
    (University of Tennessee. Central and East European Center, 2000) Gilstrap, Donald L.
    Over ver the course of the past ten years, Central- and Eastern-European Countries have seen significant changes in virtually all sectors of society. Higher education has been transformed, bringing western philosophies to the discussion table and introducing technology into areas once devoid of this medium. University libraries have also undergone fundamental philosophical and organizational changes while integrating and utilizing technology to perform many of the functions that were once labor intensive. In this paper, author provides a brief analysis of the overall progress that has been made in 1990s in regard to technological integration within C&EE university libraries and then present possible scenarios and models for technology and information infrastructure development for Central and East European universities moving into the 21 st century.
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    Connecticut Community Colleges join forces to share library system
    (Haworth Press, 2001) Gilstrap, Donald L.
    In 2001, libraries of the twelve Connecticut community colleges joined together to purchase and share the Endeavor Voyager integrated library management system. In previous years, these colleges had been members of separate private library consortia within the state. At the time these consortia were set up, the main emphasis had been on migrating from old card catalogs to automated systems. In recent years staff at the community college libraries began researching options for sharing a next generation system. After a lengthy review of the different products on the market, the staff of the twelve libraries opted for a system that offers the functionality needed for the technologically savvy students of the 21st Century, while still providing room for growth in the future.
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    Strange attractors and human interaction: Leading complex organizations through the use of metaphors
    (University of Alberta, 2005) Gilstrap, Donald L.
    This article is intended to explore the theoretical background behind complexity science in management and leadership and provide ways to approach educational leadership research through the use of strange attractor metaphors. Historical and contemporary leadership strategies have incorporated modernistic models that sometimes perpetuate problematic aspects of educational management rather than provide progressive solutions. Several leadership researchers have shown, however, there is tremendous potential for the emergent properties of complexity theory in organizational dynamics. The recognition and utilization of strange attractors as metaphorical constructs of chaos theory also provide us with an elaboration of teaching and educational leadership theory. Strange attractors seem to exist metaphorically in many aspects of the organizational dynamics of our educational institutions. The use of metaphors in lived experience is described, the scientific background behind strange attractors is introduced, and connections are made between strange attractors and human interaction. Strange attractors are then metaphorically described in organizational settings as shared vision, team processes, and information flows used as positive feedback mechanisms.
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    Phenomenological reduction and emergent design: Complementary methods for leadership narrative interpretation and metanarrative development
    (International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, 2007-03) Gilstrap, Donald L.
    The author's intent in this paper is to discuss new methods for conducting research on and connecting the works of chaos and complexity theorists with interpretive, hermeneutical, and phenomenological theorists as a multiple-method mode of inquiry. He proposes a methodological design that incorporates a recursive process of phenomenological reduction to find connectedness and generate shared meanings among the research performed by leadership theorists. He also provides an emergent metanarrative method for presenting research results, using a complexity-based, interpretive framework.
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    Assessing learning, critical reflection, and quality educational outcomes: the Critical Incident Questionnaire
    (Association of College and Research Libraries, 2008-09) Gilstrap, Donald L.; Dupree, Jason
    This research study incorporates Brookfield’s Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) as a qualitative instrument to assess the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education in one library’s instructional curriculum. A sample (n=348) of English Composition II students was studied over the course of two semesters during a four-session instructional program. A methodological framework of critical reflection, incidents, and events was incorporated, as well as reflection on practice. Results of the study showed the CIQ was effective in supporting qualitative methods for assessment of critical reflection in general and the ACRL Standards specifically during the research and learning process.