Risk factors and interventions with sexually exploited HRTY

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Countryman-Roswurm, Karen I.
Bolin, Brien L.

Countryman-Roswurm, Karen and Brien Bolin (2009). Risk Factors and Interventions with Sexually Exploited HRTY. In Proceedings: 5th Annual Symposium: Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects. Wichita, KS: Wichita State University, p. 28-29


This evaluative study sought to answer the questions: "What are the precursors and/or risk factors that make certain youth more likely to become involved in domestic teen sexual exploitation (TSE)? And, if such high risk youth receive a cognitive-behavioral/psycho-educational peer group intervention, will their vulnerability decrease due to an increase in protective factors? This study reports findings of a group design in which a pre-test/post-test was given to 23 Homeless, Runaway, and Throwaway Youth (HRTY) who attended 10 sessions of a psycho-educational therapy group. Associations between risk factors and vulnerability to sexual exploitation and/or relationship violence, improvements in measures (including knowledge about healthy relationships, leaving an abusive relationship, reported improvement in relationships, etc. as well as with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) are reported. This study supports the use of psycho-educational peer group therapy in building protective factors, thus increasing resiliency.

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First Place winner of oral presentations at the 5th Annual Symposium on Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects (GRASP) held at the Hughes Metropolitan Complex, Wichita State University, May 1, 2009.
Research completed at the School of Social Work in Conjunction with Center for Community Support and Research, College of Liberal Arts and Science
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