The validity of a regression-based procedure for detecting concealed psychopathology in structured personality assessment

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Kurtz, John E.
Henk, Corinne M.
Bupp, Lindsey L.
Dresler, Caitlin M.

The validity of a regression-based procedure for detecting concealed psychopathology in structured personality assessment. Kurtz, John E.; Henk, Corinne M.; Bupp, Lindsey L.; Dresler, Caitlin M. Psychological Assessment, Vol 27(2), Jun 2015, 392-402


Positive Impression Management (PIM) predicted scoring of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 2007) is a regression-based procedure designed to inform diagnostic hypotheses when respondents engage in positive response distortion (PRD). Observed scores that deviate above the PIM-predicted score are proposed to indicate areas of true psychopathology that are being concealed by the respondent. To test this proposition, the PAI was administered twice to 334 undergraduate students, using standard instructions and job applicant role-play instructions. For most PAI scales and subscales, the PIM-predicted deviation scores from the role-play condition were significantly correlated with scores on the corresponding scale obtained from the standard administration condition. Exceptions to the general findings are noted for some scales, and recommendations are offered for further research and clinical application of PIM-predicted scores.

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